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Level Qualifying studies
A Systematic review or meta-analysis of human trials
B Human RDBPC trials. ≥ 2 studies and/or 1 study with ≥ 50 subjects
C Human RDBPC trials or RCTs. 1 study < 50 subjects
D Human trials or in-vivo animal trials
N/A Insufficient evidence to suggest that any significant nutrient depletions exist

Results for Lisinopril: 1

Evidence Rating Scale


Summary: It was shown that ACE inhibitors may inhibit the activity of different MMPs. The exact interrelationship between HF, zinc-containing enzymes, zinc deficiency and the clinical manifestation of HF has to be investigated.

It was shown that ACE inhibitors may inhibit the activity of different MMPs. The exact interrelationship between HF, zinc-containing enzymes, zinc deficiency and the clinical manifestation of HF has to be investigated.

Results indicate higher urine zinc levels and lower concentrations of zinc in serum in heart failure patients vs matched controls (p<0.05). This study suggests that treating heart failure patients with ACE inhibitors may result in zinc deficiency.

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